Where do we go from here?

Uncategorized Mar 11, 2021

Today is Enthusiastic "How to Thursday" for March 2021. I want to talk to you about "How to be enthusiastic when dealing with grief'. Now when I say grief, I do not mean the loss of a loved one (human form), I mean the loss of your own behavior, habit, or (insert what it is that you have had to lose, or need to lose) for the best interest of you.

First of all I want to applaud you for opening this vlog up and taking the time to read this for you. I am proud of you and I am here for you. Next, I need you to truly take a moment and go deeply into your soul and seek what it is that you are grieving- it could be someone, but ultimately I am looking for what you know needs to go or has gone and now it is time to take the next steps to heal. 

So here are the next action steps that I encourage you to implement in the next month for you, your sanity, health and wellbeing. 

1. Express your feelings

It's important that you let out your feelings, because if you keep them bottled up you will explode and potentially hurt you and the one's you love. Find a way to identify and accept how you are feeling. This doesn’t always have to be by talking to another person – try writing in a journal or there are many self workbooks out there to help along the way. 

2. Look after yourself

Be sure to get rest, sleep, eat well and drink lots of water. Remember we cannot help anyone else if we do not essentially help ourself's first. By keeping yourself physically healthy will give you the strength to deal with your emotions.

3. Join a support group

Support groups allow people going through similar experiences to come together and share their feelings. You may find that meeting people who understand you makes you feel less alone. 

4. Do volunteer work

When doing volunteer work it allows you need feel needed and in return happy, which creates a positive mental mind for you, boosts your self-confidence and help you meet new people.

5. Take up a new hobby or revisit an old one 

Finding a new hobby or revisiting an old one to invest your time in can be a rewarding way to distract yourself occasionally and give you something to look forward to. Hobbies create a sense of achievement, and will boost the chemicals in your brain responsible for positive emotions and keep you healthy.


7. Keep to a routine

Many people find that keeping to a routine gives a sense of structure and security during uncertain times. So focus on the small routines that you have like going to bed at the same time or planning what you’ll do with your weekend. It will provide focus and clarity in at least one aspect of your life as you learn to cope with your grief.

8. Avoid alcohol and drugs

It is very tempting to try anything that will numb the pain of losing someone, or something that you once loved and cherished. You might think that alcohol, drugs and other addictions are the answer and will take the "pain" away. But in reality that simply is not true and will actually hinder your self esteem, happiness, and wellbeing even more. Then you end up down a rabbit hole.

Overall, keep moving forward no matter how hard it is, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and you will reach it. Continue reaching and you will beat this. 

I am Krista Schafer your Holistic coach specializing in Pole Fitness, if you are ready to Rise up to unleashing your most healthy and confident self join now at www.jezmirizng.com 


Krista Schafer 


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