What do you need in order to build self assurance?


Have you ever wondered if there is a difference to self confidence and self assurance? 

Well, let's look at the definitions according to google.com. Self Assurance is confidence in one's own abilities. Self confidence is a feeling of trust in one's abilities, qualities, and judgment.

So, based off theses two definitions they are similar, however, unique in their own way as well... for now we are going to focus on self assurance. 

So, how can you build your self assurance tool box up? 

Here are some techniques that I encourage you to do and and then comment below what you discovered about:

Recognize what you're good at

  • we all have strengths and challenges so make a list of strengths and weaknesses first
  1. Build positive relationships
    • I know this is easier said than done, however, attending groups or communities that you are interested in will help you to gain friends and you will soon find one's you resonate with and do not
  2. Be kind to yourself
    • ...
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Quick sand

confidence health life pole Sep 18, 2021

As you all know I am going to be in the Zero Gravity Poletergeist IV performance this coming October 16th- Saturday in Fargo, ND, as well as I am in the process of relocating Jez-Mir-Izing, AND that my family and I were hit by a moose in June... what some of you may not be aware of is, life likes to throw stuff at us hard... Regardless of what life is throwing at me, I am continually catching those things and utilizing them to my advantage. In this process, I am flexible, persistent, forgiving/loving of myself, AND WILL WIN .

What I  getting at here is regardless of your situation you have 2 choices... 1. To fall to the ground rub yourself raw in the dirt or 2. Stand back up, dust yourself off and get back to conquering and dividing.

So, are you going to Rise Up to Unleashing your Most Healthy and Confident Self with me- Krista Schafer, your Holistic Coach, at Jez-Mir-Izing? OR will you stay in your quick sand?

Become a member now at www.jezmirizing.com

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