What self-time REALLY means

retreat self self time Jan 02, 2023

Did you know that self-time is actually a thing? YES, it is, and YOU DESERVE IT! WE ALL DO :).

According to the Urban dictionary self-time means to take time out for your self. AKA attend a retreat, go for a walk, get a massage, read a book. Basically whatever brings you happiness and allows your heart, body, mind, and soul time to rejuvenate, rest, and be well. 

So what are ways that you can take self-time and how do you start? 

  1. Discover your needs 
    1. Do you find yourself saying "I need break", "I could use a vacation", "I need a time-out", etc., well these are your signs!
  2. Figure out what the needs that you need are specifically
  3. Create a plan in what you will do to cater your needs
    1. This may involve additional help, or guidance, and this is okay, reach out to your best friend, a coach, or counselor for extra help. 
      1. Coach Krista here at JRC can help! You are always welcome to schedule a FREE breakthrough call to discover what options we have here at JRC and...
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